Where service already exists...
Simply call the office (660) 646-4281 with the current or former Member's name and 911 address. Our current fees are a refundable $30 Membership and a possible security deposit based on the results of your Online Utility Exchange Report.
For new construction or to request upgrades to a current service...
Every new construction is unique. Please give us a call and ask our engineering department for more information.
Moving out?
Just give the office a call and let us know at (660) 646-4281. Each meter disconnected will receive the Membership fee and possible security deposit refunded back.
Remember to please notify us of your new address, even if it is not on our system. Since we are a not-for-profit cooperative, everyone who has had service with us (past or present) will receive capital credits in the future!
If a new resident is moving into your location, the new resident will need to call or come in to transfer service into their name.