Farmers' Electric Cooperative is a proud Member of its communities and is always looking for opportunities to interact with Members. The Cooperative employs experts on a variety of topics, and we're passionate about sharing that knowledge with our community. Our Speaker's Bureau consists of several employees who can present a variety of topics on energy, safety, and other educational subjects.
If you would like a representative from the Cooperative to speak at the next meeting of your civic, church, community, or school group, please contact the Member Relations Department by calling 660-646-4281, ext. 112.
High Line Safety Program
Farmers’ Electric Cooperative offers an electrical safety program for students in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
The High Line Program is designed to educate children about ways to protect themselves from dangers posed by electrical facilities and encourage the safe use of electricity. Students get to see first-hand what can happen when a ladder makes electrical contact, a shovel digs into underground service, a kite gets caught in a line, and many other everyday situations where safety can prevent serious accidents.
Electricity enriches our lives every minute of the day. Since just about anything we do in our daily lives involves electricity, learning about electrical safety is a must! Safety is a core value at Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, and we would like to share this information with our Members and the public. We have a speaker who gives electrical safety demonstrations (free of charge) to schools and youth groups using a tabletop display where high voltage electricity is sent through the lines and various safety situations are displayed. Participants meet Neon Leon & Lightnin' Lizzie to see how electricity travels through the body and to the ground. It is a realistic message showing how electrical accidents happen and enforcing how they can be prevented.
High Line Tabletop Demonstration:
- Performed with a model of a house, street, and power lines
- An energized model is used showing what can happen if a car, kite, or person comes in contact with electricity
- Approximately 50 people can see the demonstration -- depending on how the room is set up, more may be included
- Great for small groups and single classroom school demonstrations
- Demonstrations are fun and interactive for students (K-6) and adults
- Program runs 30 to 45 minutes depending upon specific needs or interests, age group, and follow-up questions
Topics such as how electricity is made, where it comes from, and how it works are also addressed. Respect for the tremendous power of electricity is emphasized in this program. Again, the program is offered free of charge. The return on your investment of time is priceless as it may SAVE A LIFE!
Emergency Responder Electrical Safety Program
Electrical safety programs aren't just for children, Farmers' Electric Cooperative began offering an annual Emergency Responder Electrical Safety Program in 2013. This program is designed to educate firefighters, first responders, EMT's and law enforcement about the dangers of high-voltage power lines with the goal of providing knowledge to avoid electrical contacts and to work safely around electricity.
Emergency responders from Farmers' Electric's nine-county service territory are invited to attend the safety program each spring. A variety of electrical safety topics are covered from year to year such as what to do when encountering a downed power line, how to handle a vehicle accident involving a power pole or line, steps to take during a house fire, etc. If you are an emergency responder who is interested in attending the program, please give us a call so we can get an invite sent to you!